Welcome to your UNIVERSITY OF IBADAN (C.R.S 2017) 1. In the country of the Gerasenes, Jesus healed the (A) man possessed of demons (B) paralytic at the pool (C) leper (D) blind man 2. In the mission of the seventy, Jesus told them that they were being sent out as sheep among wolves, implying that they would (A) be sent to live among wolves (B) be as meek as sheep (C) be properly equipped for the mission (D) encounter difficulties 3. Jesus raised to life the son of the widow of Nain because He (A) wanted the whole of Judea to know about him (B) wanted to show that He was a great prophet (C) had compassion on the mother (D) loved the young man that died 4. In the story of the Transfiguration, Moses and Elijah represented the (A) glory of God (B) old Testament saints (C) Law and the prophets (D) end of the age 5. Jesus' reply to the devil's first temptation of Him was _ (A) "...Him only shall you serve" (B) "...Man shall not live by bread alone... (C) '"You shall not tempt the Lord your God" (D) "...You shall worship the Lord your God 6. Jesus told the parable of the lost sheep in order to illustrate that (A) every believer ought to rejoice with those who rejoice. (B) no person can hide from God (C) God's love is unlimited (D) there is joy in heaven over a sinner who repents 7. Jesus was at the wedding in Cana of Galilee because (A) He wanted to demonstrate His power (B) He was invited to the ceremony (C) the groom was His relation (D) the groom ran out of wine 8. Jesus was tempted by the devil so as to (A) fulfill all righteousness (B) show His power over forces of nature (C) show that no one is above temptation (D) test the devil's powe 9. The impact of Jesus' miracle of turning water into wine was that the (A) servants were astonished (B) master of ceremony believed (C) disciples believed more in Him (D) people glorified God 10. The Hebrew word Rabboni means (A) disciple (B) priest (C) master (D) Teacher. 11. Where were the disciples of Jesus when He had a conversation with the Samaritan woman? (A) They had gone to the city to preach the gospel (B) They had gone to the city to buy food (C) They had gone to the mountain to pray (D) They had gone to wait for Him 12. According to Ephesians, children who obey their parents in the Lord will (A) be happy (B) go to heaven (C) have long life (D) be great 13. According to Peter, God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears Him is (A) diligent before Him (B) acceptable to Him (C) holy before Him (D) righteous before Him 14. According to Romans, the new life is comparable to Jesus (A) resurrection (B) ministry (C) ascension (D) crucifixion 15. According to Thessalonians, the day of the Lord will not come unless the (A) living die first (B) scoffers come first (C) dead rise first (D) rebellion comes first 16. Busy bodies and those living in idleness in the church at Thessalonica were admonished to (A) pray for those in authority for peace (B) do their work in quietness and earn a living (C) appeal to those in authority to create jobs (D) endure persecution from their masters 17. In his teaching on partiality, James declares that mercy triumphs over (A) judgment (B) righteousness (C) grace (D) faith 18. In Paul's arrangement of the spiritual gifts in Corinthians, the last is (A) the utterance of wisdom (B) interpretation of tongues (C) gifts of healing (D) various kinds of tongue 19. In Romans, Paul condemned sin taking over mortal bodies in the new life as instruments of (A) greediness (B) wickedness (C) sadness (D) foolishness 20. Timothy Paul urges Christians to pray for kings and those in authority for the achievement of (A) a successful Christian life (B) godly and acceptable life (C) peace and exaltation in life (D) quiet and peaceable life 21. Paul in Romans enjoins all Christians to cast off works of darkness end put on the (A) armour of light (B) armour of faith (C) works of grace (D) works of light 22. Peter admonishes that Christians should endure suffering because anyone who has suffered in the flesh (A) shall live the rest of his life in peace (B) shall clothe himself with humility (C) has ceased from sin (D) has overcome death. 23. Peter enjoins Christians to wait in expectation of the new heavens and the new earth in which (A) evil will be destroyed (B) there will be no more corruption (C) there will be perfection (D) righteousness dwell 24. What does Paul advise Roman Christians to do to those who persecute them? (A) Give them drink when thirsty (B) Forgive them (C) Bless them (D) Feed them when hungry 25. Which of the following are opposed to each other according to Galatians? (A) Believers and unbelievers (B) Freedmen and salves (C) Jews and Gentiles (D) Flesh and Spirit Post navigation UNIVERSITY OF IBADAN POST UTME ( C.R.S 2018)