Welcome to your UNIVERSITY OF ILORIN POST UTME 2022 ( GENERAL SCIENCE) 1. Michael took the English language exam for granted a) He assumed the exam would be easy b) He did not worry about the out of the exam c) He expected the exam would be difficult d) He worked hard for the exam 2. I can say that our governor is angling for a second from his party a) The governor is rejecting a second term b) The governor is indirectly asking for a second term c) The governor is being asked to run a second term by his party against his will d) The governor is being very serious with his second term aspiration 3. Moses has been booted out of his job by his employer a) Moses has been promoted by his employer b) Moses has been commended by his employer c) Moses has been sacked by his employer d) Moses has be kicked by his employer 4. He has been inundated with work. (nearest in meaning) a) Overwhelmed b) Unhappy with c) Interested in d) excited 5. Although the speech was impromptu, it was very well received (nearest in meaning) a) Prepared b) Advertised c) Read out d) Not prepared for 6. My appeal to the lecturer for help was futile (nearest in meaning) a) Successful b) Accepted c) Without success d) Realistic 7. Tonia was accused of immodest dressing a) Loud b) Poor c) Indecent d) Costly 8. While preparing for the post jamb aptitude test, Felix read through pages 35 to 78 and 102 to 127 of an English text book. How many pages did he read altogether? a) 58 b) 70 c) 68 d) 64 9. What happened last week at the meeting vindicate my earlier position (nearest in meaning) a) Disagreed with b) Proved c) Dismissed d) Voided 10. Let me tell you, David is one student with an impeccable character. (nearest in meaning) a) Faultless b) Bad c) Interesting d) Deviant 11. The president visit the town with a view to...... things for himself. a) see b) been c) seeing d) having seen 12. Hide and Kemi quarrelled last week and haven't .......... yet. a) Made it out b) Made up c) Made out d) Made it up 13. It was .......... on the evening news. a) Broadcasted b) Being broadcasted c) Been broadcast d) Broadcast 14. Patience told the congregation that she married a doting man. (Opposite in meaning) a) A loving b) A funny c) Uncaring man d) Nagging 15. He was very discreet about the number of university entrance examinations he has written (Opposite in meaning) a) Secretive b) Open c) Sure d) Uncertainty 16. The company has implemented strict policies to address and prevent any form of ________ in the workplace. a) harasment b) harrasment c) harassment d) harrasssment 17. A stitch in time ......... a) revive all b) saves nine c) saves all d) revive nine 18. John talks as if he ......... everything a) knew b) known c) knows d) know 19. We booked a comfortable __________ near the beach for our vacation, complete with stunning ocean views and convenient amenities. a) acomodation b) accommodation c) acommodation d) accomodation 20. If the ratio of girls to boys in a class is 5:3 which of these can not be the number of students in the class a) 32 b) 40 c) 48 d) 36 21. Who gave Nigeria her name and after what was Nigeria named a) Flora Michael and Niger Area b) Lady Flora and Area of Niger c) Florence Shaw and Niger Era d) Flora Shaw and Niger Area 22. The neighbors were constantly quarreling over the property boundary, leading to tension and unrest in the once-friendly community. a) Quarrelling b) Quarelling c) Quarreling d) Quareling 23. The wicked boy threw a stone at the bird smashing ....... two legs. a) is b) it's c) it d) its 24. Which number comes next in the series 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, ...... a) 26 b) 21 c) 19 d) 32 25. Ten litres of water ....... to be consumed daily. a) are b) is c) may d) should 26. Despite the impending deadline, Mark's _________ approach to his project reflected in the haphazard work and disorganized efforts he put forth. a) Lackadasical b) Lackaidasical c) Lackaidaisical d) Lackadaisical 27. The head of the Senate chamber of the National Assembly is; a) Secretary to the government b) Speaker c) Chief whip d) president 28. After Jerry had made the bed he ...... on it a) layed b) lied c) lay d) laid 29. Who is the first Senate president in Nigeria a) Adolphus Wabara b) Ken Nnamani c) Nwafor Orizu d) Anyim Pius Anyim e) Nnamdi Azikiwe 30. What structure in the fish serves the same purpose as the lungs in human being? a) Scales b) Lateral line c) Fins d) Gills 31. One of the major problems faced by the men who travel into space is ----- a) Hunger b) Lack of water c) Extreme cold d) Lack of weight 32. What is the name of the white part of a boiled egg? a) Yolk b) Abdomen c) Albumen d) Egg white 33. The period in which the hen lies on its eggs until it aches is known as....... period a) Hibernation b) Incubation c) Breeding d) Rousting 34. How long does the chicken lie on its eggs before it aches? a) 10 days b) 12 days c) 30 days d) 21 days 35. Which part of the egg of a chicken develops into the young ones? a) Yolk b) Yellow matter c) White matter d) Air space 36. Animals that give birth to their young ones alive are called------ a) Birds b) Reptiles c) Amphibians d) Mammals 37. What term is given to the changes insects undergo in their life history? a) Recuperation b) Rousting c) Metamorphosis d) None of the above 38. What is the major product of the process of respiration in living things? a) Carbohydrate b) Protein c) Energy d) Carbon dioxide 39. Which of the following is a cereal? a) Maize b) Cocoa c) Coffee d) Tea 40. An organism that lives on a living organism and eventually causes harm to it is called...... a) Herbivore b) Carnivore c) Parasite d) Pest 41. A technical term in manuscript is likely to be A. capitalized B. in brackets C. underlined 42. Hostel is to students as _ is to wild animals A. eyrie B. drey C. kennel D. lair 43. My first English teacher and vice chancellor .......... being honoured today A. is B. are C. was D. am 44. Select the correct option A. Abattoir B. Abbatoir C. Abattor D. Abatoir 45. Select the correct option A. Incestous B. Incestuous C. Incetuous D. Incestious