Question 1 of 50.

Which of the following is a behavioural adaptation that protects prey from predators?

1. Hibernation
2. Dormancy
3. Shedding of leaves
4. Secreting irritating fluid

Explanation to the correct answer

Secreting irritating fluid is a behavioural adaptation that keep/protects preys from predators.


Question 2 of 50.

The period of inactivity seen in some animals during long period of heat or drought is

1. Migration
2. Aestivation
3. Hibernation
4. Adaptation

Explanation to the correct answer

Aestivation is a period of no activity seen in some animals during period of heat or drought.


Question 3 of 50.

The insect trapping movements of the leaves of the venus fly trap is a behavioural adaptation for

1. support
2. surviving adverse weather conditions
3. obtaining food
4. dormancy

Explanation to the correct answer

When an insect traps movement of leaves, it is a behavioural adaptation for obtaining food.


Question 4 of 50.

Animals are said to gregarious when

1. they survive adverse conditions of cold weather
2. they transmit information from one individual to another
3. they are of the same species moving together in a group
4. they give an alarm to alert others to show the normal protective behaviour of the group when danger threatens

Explanation to the correct answer

Gregarious animals are the same species of animal moving together in group.


Question 5 of 50.

The type of nutrition shown by spirogyra is

1. Symbiosis
2. Holozoic
3. Chemosynthetic
4. Holophytic

Explanation to the correct answer

Spirogyra undergoes holophytic nutrition


Question 6 of 50.

Raw materials required by green plants to manufacture their food are

1. mainly fluids
2. inorganic substances
3. living materials
4. mainly gases

Explanation to the correct answer

One of the raw materials needed by plants to manufacture their food is inorganic substances


Question 7 of 50.

Which of the following pairs of organisms are photosynthetic?

1. Amoeba and paramecium
2. Euglena and chlamydomonas
3. Volvox and Rhizopus
4. Nostoc and plasmodium

Explanation to the correct answer

Euglena and chlamydomonas are photosynthetic because the possess features of plants which enables them to produce their food.


Question 8 of 50.

The type of nutrition in which two organisms of different species live together and derive nutrients from each other is

1. symbiotic nutrition
2. saprophytic nutrition
3. holozoic nutrition
4. holophytic nutrition

Explanation to the correct answer

Symbiotic nutrition involves two organisms of different species living together and deriving nutrients from each other


Question 9 of 50.

Which of the following statement about the similarities in plant and animal transport is correct?

1. Materials and hormones are transported in fluid form
2. The transport medium is made up of only tissues
3. Their materials are transported in the same vessels
4. Diffusion is not required

Explanation to the correct answer

One of the similarities in plant and animal transport is that materials and hormones are transported in fluid form in both.


Question 10 of 50.

Which of the following describes the function of lymph

1. Temperature regulation
2. Production of antibodies
3. Engulfing
4. Body defence

Explanation to the correct answer

Lymph serves as body defence.


Question 11 of 50.

One of the major ways in which the blood is able to defend the body against disease causing organisms is

1. Absorption of fatty acids and glycerol
2. Clumping
3. Single circulation
4. Translocation

Explanation to the correct answer

One of the major ways in which the blood is able to defend against disease is clumping.


Question 12 of 50.

Which of the following is not a transmitable character in plants

1. Habit of growth
2. Resistance to environmental factors
3. Life span
4. Haemophilia

Explanation to the correct answer

Haemophilia is any of several hereditary illnesses that impact the body's ability to control bleeding usually passed from mother to son.


Question 13 of 50.

Inheritable character/features possessed by an organism can be referred to as

1. Genes
2. Locus
3. Traits
4. Allelo morphs

Explanation to the correct answer

Trait is an inheritable character/inheritable feature possessed by an organism.


Question 14 of 50.

One of the following is a process of transmission of hereditary characteristics by chromosomes

1. Genes relating to the same character occupy identical locations on the chromosomes
2. Separation of homologous chromosomes into four daughter cells
3. Separation of gametes during fertilization
4. Dictating the formation of a protein by a gene in a chromosome

Explanation to the correct answer

Dictating the formation of a protein by a gene in a chromosome is a process of transmitting hereditary characteristics


Question 15 of 50.

The attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus is called

1. Ovulation
2. Implantation
3. Gametogenesis
4. Placentation

Explanation to the correct answer

Implantation is the attachment of embryo to the uterus wall.


Question 16 of 50.

Which of the reproductive system in mammals secretes a part of the seminal fluid which raises the pH of the fluid in the female reproductive system?

1. Cowper's gland
2. Prostate gland
3. Vas deferens
4. Seminal Vesicle

Explanation to the correct answer

Cowper's gland is a reproductive system in male which secretes a part of the seminal fluid which raises the pH of the fluid in the female reproductive system.


Question 17 of 50.

A flowering plant having both the male and female flowers on the same plant is said to be

1. Regular
2. Irregular
3. Monoecious
4. Dioecious

Explanation to the correct answer

Flowering plants having both the male and female flowers on the same flower are called Monoecious plants


Question 18 of 50.

Which of the following factors is not considered in a terrestial habitat?

1. Temperature
2. Sunlight
3. Humidity
4. Turbidity

Explanation to the correct answer

Turbidity is not a factor in terrestrial habitat it is a factor in aquatic habitat because turbidity also means cloudy which is an aquatic factor.


Question 19 of 50.

One important characteristics of green plant is that they

1. possess specialized sense organs
2. Are usually motile
3. Are autotropic
4. Respond slowly to stimuli

Explanation to the correct answer

One of the important characteristics of green plant is that they can manufacture their food (Autotrophic).


Question 20 of 50.

A virus can sometimes be regarded as a living organism because it

1. causes diseases in plants and animals
2. It exists in a variety of shapes
3. Is easily visible with the aid of an electron microscope
4. Reproduces in living cells

Explanation to the correct answer

A virus is regarded as animate is because it can reproduce in living cells. It can also be inanimate when it is not in living cells.


Question 21 of 50.

A population is best described as

1. A group of the same species of organisms living together
2. A group of animals and plants living together
3. A group of insects and grasses
4. Different species of wild animals

Explanation to the correct answer

A population is described as the total number of organisms of the same species living together in a given area at a particular time.


Question 22 of 50.

The number of times an organism occurs within a given area of a habitat is referred to as

1. Population growth rate
2. Population frequency
3. Population growth rate
4. Population density

Explanation to the correct answer

 Population frequency refers to the number of times an organism occurs within a given area of a habitat


Question 23 of 50.

Reading the verdict of a case by a magistrate is an example of

1. A reflex action
2. An instinct
3. A conditioned reflex
4. A voluntary action

Explanation to the correct answer

A voluntary action is controlled by the cerebrum in the forebrain which is the largest part of the brain.


Question 24 of 50.

Which of the following structures controls the activities of the living cell?

1. Nucleus
2. Centrosome
3. Mitochondrion
4. Golgi body

Explanation to the correct answer

 Nucleus is a part of living things which controls activities due to the presence of the DNA in it.


Question 25 of 50.

Which of the following are components of glomerular filtrate?

1. All the components of blood except mineral salts
2. Water and salt only
3. All the components of blood except plasma protein and cells
4. Blood cells, amino acid, salts and nitrogenous wastes

Explanation to the correct answer

Glomerular filtrate contains H2O, glucose, salts and urea and it is identical to blood plasma that lacks most proteins.


Question 26 of 50.

The sum total of adaptive changes from pre-existing form that have taken place over a long time resulting in diversity of forms, structures and functions among organism is referred to as

1. Specification
2. Inorganic Evolution
3. Evolution
4. Organic Evolution

Explanation to the correct answer

Organic evolution is the sum total of adaptive changes from pre-existing or old form that have taken place over a long time resulting in diversity of forms, structures and functions among organisms.


Question 27 of 50.

The specific portion of a habitat which is occupied by a particular species is referred to as

1. Ecological population
2. Ecological niche
3. Biotic community
4. Ecosystem

Explanation to the correct answer

Ecological niche refers to the specific portion of a habitat which is occupied by a particular species or organism. It is the functional position of an organism within the community.


Question 28 of 50.

In plants, respiration occurs in

1. The stomata and lenticel only
2. Mesophyll cells only
3. All living cells
4. The root only

Explanation to the correct answer

Respiration can either be aerobic or anaerobic respiration. Hence, in plants, all living cells take part in a form of respiration. Plant respiration is a rather diffuse process. It occurs all over the plant.

Question 29 of 50.

Which of the following is an example of discontinous variatio?

1. The range in height of a pea plant from 30cm to 50cm
2. Offsprings including two male cats and three female cats
3. The colour of pear plants grown in the dark
4. The adult body weight ranging from 50kg to 95kg

Explanation to the correct answer

Discontinuous variation is the differences of variations in behaviour by which organisms can be grouped into 2 or more classes within a population without any intermediates among them e.g Behaviour, ability to roll tongue.


Question 30 of 50.

Which of the following type of soil has the highest water retaining capacity?

1. Loam
2. Laterite
3. Clay
4. Sand

Explanation to the correct answer

Clay soil is the soil with highest water retaining capacity.


Question 31 of 50.

Rabbits cannot survive in an aquatic habitat because they have

1. fore and hind limbs
2. no gills
3. no fins
4. no scales

Explanation to the correct answer

Rabbits does not have the adaptive features of an aquatic habitat like gills therefore, it cannot survive in an aquatic habitat.


Question 32 of 50.

Which of the following substances pass through the root cell membrane by osmosis?

1. Ceil sap
2. Carbon dioxide
3. Oxygen
4. Water

Explanation to the correct answer

Water passes through the root cell membrane of plant in order for osmosis to take place.


Question 33 of 50.

Trees in Savanna habitats usually have thick bark which mainly.

1. Reduces the rate of transpiration
2. Protect them from scorching sun
3. Protect them from heavy winds
4. Resist bush fires

Explanation to the correct answer

Rate of transpiration is reduced in savannah forest due to thick barks of the trees in savannah forest.


Question 34 of 50.

Competition among individuals of a population increases the

1. Number of organisms
2. Availability of nutrient supplied
3. Survival of the fittest
4. Enlargement of the territory

Explanation to the correct answer

Competition one of the biotic factors in ecological factors involves the interactions among two organisms of the same species/different species which outgrows the other and survives while the other cannot grow or survive


Question 35 of 50.

In natural selection, Darwin proposed that evolution occurred because of the following conditions except

1. that nature selects those that will survive to reproduce their kind
2. there is a fierce competition among the offspring
3. that the weaker offspring are eliminated
4. food and other needs are abundant

Explanation to the correct answer

In natural selection, Darwin proposed that evolution occurred because of the following conditions except food and other needs are abundant


Question 36 of 50.

Which of the following substances has the highest amount of energy in joules per unit weight?

1. Carbohydrates
2. Fats
3. Proteins
4. Vitamins

Explanation to the correct answer

Fats provides more energy to animal than carbohydrates therefore containing the highest amount of energy in joules per unit weight.


Question 37 of 50.

Which of the following pairs of scientists discovered the Rhesis factor in human blood?

1. Hooke and Lavine
2. Darwin and Landsteiner
3. Landsteiner and Lavine
4. Hooke and Darwin

Explanation to the correct answer

Landsteiner and Lavine are scientist, they discovered the Rhesus factor in human blood.


Question 38 of 50.

The study of an individual organism or a single species of organism and its environment is

1. Artecology
2. Ecological concepts
3. Synecoloy
4. Biotic composers

Explanation to the correct answer

Artecology is the study of an individual organism or a single specie of organism and no environment


Question 39 of 50.

Which of the following is a nitrifying bacterium?

1. Rhizobium
2. Nictrobacter
3. Azotobacter
4. Pseudomonas

Explanation to the correct answer

Nitrobacter are chemoautrophic organisms found in soil and water responsible for the oxidation of ammonium to nitrite and nitrite to nitrate.


Question 40 of 50.

Which of the following is the effect of using artificial pollination in plant breeding?

1. Production of healthy crops
2. Lengthening the maturity time of crops
3. Making crops susceptible to disease
4. Improvement of the variety of crops

Explanation to the correct answer

One of the effect of using artificial pollination in plant breeding is that it improves the variety of crops.


Question 41 of 50.

Only specially adapted micro-organisms are found in

1. Salty water
2. Humid air
3. Moist soil
4. Mouth cavities

Explanation to the correct answer

Halophiles are organisms that thrive in high salt concentrations. The adaptations of halophile organisms to their environment are:

(a) The integrity of non-halophile macromolecules is compromised, and the flow of water out of the cell produces a Turgor effect. • (b) Moderate halophiles maintain their structures via the synthesis of compatible organic solutes. • (c) Extreme halophiles maintain their structures via equilibration of cellular and environmental salt concentrations.


Question 42 of 50.

Plants which can survive in extremely dry places are called

1. Mesophytes
2. Xerophytes
3. Mesophytes
4. Angiosperms

Explanation to the correct answer

They are called Xerophyte because they are species of plant that has adaptations/adaptive features like waxy cuticles which enables them to survive in extremely dry land.


Question 43 of 50.

The presence of ______ for swimming in a tad-pole enables it to adapt in an aquatic habitat.

1. Gills
2. Swim bladder
3. Tail
4. Fins

Explanation to the correct answer

Tadpole's ability to swim and adapt to an aquatic habitat is due to the presence of its tail.


Question 44 of 50.

Possession of thin membrane enables a tapeworm to

1. Fasten themselves to the wall of the host's intestine
2. Lay numerous eggs
3. Absorb digested food from the host's intestine to their system
4. Shield themselves inside the host's intestine with anti-enzymes in order to avoid being digested

Explanation to the correct answer

The tapeworm possesses a thin membrane mostly because of it absorption of digested food from the intestine of the host.


Question 45 of 50.

Which of the following juices contains the enzyme ptyalin?

1. Gastric juice
2. Succus
3. Pancreatic juice
4. Saliva

Explanation to the correct answer

The saliva contains an enzyme called ptyalin which helps to hydrolysis of starch to maltose partially


Question 46 of 50.

Which of the following essential substance is contained in vegetable?

1. Chlorophyll
2. Glucose
3. Mineral Salts
4. Carbon dioxide

Explanation to the correct answer

Vegetable contains mineral salts like magnesium, copper etc which is very essential for body growth.


Question 47 of 50.

Good quality food will perform the following functions in human except

1. Supplying energy
2. Providing resistance against malaria
3. Maintaining health
4. Sustaining growth

Explanation to the correct answer

Good quality food cannot provide resistance to malaria because it does not contain anti-malaria substance it only and good propr growth.


Question 48 of 50.

Which of the following is considered to be the first product of Photosynthesis?

1. Protein
2. Starch
3. Energised Chlorophyll
4. Hydroxyl ion

Explanation to the correct answer

Starch is the main and first product formed during photosynthesis because the simple sugar formed is partly used by the plant and excess of it is converted into starch immediately for storage and the starch is transported to other parts of the plant through the phloem vessels for storage.


Question 49 of 50.

Which of the blood corpusles are irregular and amoeloid in shape

1. Leucocytes
2. Erythrocytes
3. Thrombocytes
4. Plasma

Explanation to the correct answer

Leucocytes are also called white blood cell. They are irregular and amoebaoid in shape.


Question 50 of 50.

Which organ removes the largest quantity of water from the blood?

1. Lung
2. Skin
3. Kidney
4. Intestine

Explanation to the correct answer

Kidney is an organ that perform lots of function one of which it helps in removing large quantity of water from the blood in order to maintain normal balance in the body system


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